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Amy Thomas
Site: Nash Pet Salon & Nash Academy
Nash Approved Practical Instructor
Location: Lexington, Kentucky
Meet Amy Thomas, a distinguished pet care professional with an illustrious career spanning over 25 years. Renowned for her expertise in bathing, grooming, and styling the canine and the feline, she has achieved remarkable success and recognition in her chosen profession.
As a seasoned teacher and mentor, Amy's passion lies in shaping the next generation of pet care professionals to excel in their careers. Her extensive experience in training and coaching individuals has consistently proven her belief that everyone has the potential to become a successful pet stylist.
Amy has been an invaluable asset to the pet care industry throughout her career. She has played a pivotal role in assisting multiple salons in elevating their sales and operational efficiency. Her guidance and support have also nurtured start-up businesses, enabling them to grow and thrive.
Amy's dedication to staying at the forefront of her field is evident through her previous participation in grooming competitions and her continuous pursuit of knowledge through trade shows and ongoing education. Her commitment to evolving with the industry ensures that her skills are always up-to-date and cutting-edge.
Beyond her professional accomplishments, Amy finds joy in spending quality time with her rescue Doberman and retired Boston Terrier and cherishing moments with her family.
Having worked with veterinarians, Amy has gained extensive canine and feline care knowledge, making her a trusted authority in ensuring the well-being of pets.
As a Nash System Level 4 Certified All Coat Types Specialist, Amy's proficiency extends to all trim styles and coat types. She also imparts her advanced expertise through hosting classes, empowering others to achieve excellence in their craft.
With a track record of successfully managing, recruiting, mentoring, and training grooming staff, Amy has been instrumental in the growth and profitability of various companies in the pet care industry. Her commitment to promoting pet health and safety while maximizing earnings through up-selling packages showcases her well-rounded and thoughtful approach to her work.
As Director of Practical Skills at Nash Academy, Amy's wealth of knowledge and genuine passion for the pet care profession make her an invaluable mentor to aspiring pet stylists. With her guidance, dedication, and vast experience, students receive unparalleled training and support as they embark on their dog and cat grooming journey.

Nash System Certified Level 4 Specialist in First Aid and CPR Triple Heart Canine, Feline, and Human
Canine Certifications
Nash System Certified Level 4 Specialist in Canine Anatomy and Physiology
Nash System Certified Level 4 Specialist in Advanced Canine Health and Well Being
Nash System Certified Level 4 Specialist in Canine Behavior in the Salon, Daycare, and Boarding Facilities
Nash System Certified Level 4 Specialist Bathing Grooming Styling Technical Skills All Coat Types
Nash System Certified Level 4 Specialist Trim Styles All Coat Types
Nash System Certified Level 4 Specialist Canine Structure
Feline Certifications
Nash System Certified Level 4 Specialist in Feline Anatomy and Physiology
Nash System Certified Level 4 Specialist in Advanced Feline Health and Well Being
Nash System Certified Level 4 Specialist Bathing, Grooming, and Styling the Felines
Nash System Certified Level 4 Specialist in Canine Behavior in the Salon, Daycare, and Boarding Facilities
Nash System Certified Level 4 Specialist in First Aid and CPR Triple Heart Canine, Feline, and Human
Nash System Certified Level 4 Specialist in Canine History and Behavior in the Salon, Daycare, and Boarding Facilities
Nash System Level 4 Specialist in All Dog Bathing, Grooming, and Styling Technical Skills
Nash System Level 4 Specialist in Trim Styles All Coat Types